Ehy Burners!
We have some 1) gratitude, 2) announcements, and 3) next steps to share…
1) Thank You!!
Gratitude to everyone that showed up at the kick-off event and joined our tarot storytelling and planning….
Ehy Burners!
We have some 1) gratitude, 2) announcements, and 3) next steps to share…
1) Thank You!!
Gratitude to everyone that showed up at the kick-off event and joined our tarot storytelling and planning….
ehy dragons. we bring unexpected, unpleasant and unbelievable news: Dragon Burn 2024 is canceled.
Stickers to the Moon will be refunded through 247 platform in the next couple of days. Don’t ask unnecessary questions.
Getting ready for Dragon Burn: some VERY IMPORTANT DETAILS
No matter if it’s your first time or you have been to many burns, “understanding what Burning Man culture is” is a long process and each of….
Dragon Burn is a created and run by participants just like you. Dragon Burn won't happen without your participation!
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