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Dragon Swap

Un Caffè Bar 77 Jiangning Road 7F

Dragon Swap - Get ready for the burn! Bring minimum three items to swap: Camping & cooking gear, Outfits, Decorations, Yoga mats, Cutlery, Tents, BBQ equipment An entry fee of 30RMB will go towards building waste collection points and water filters for the burn. Don’t forget to bring your cup for beer, wine and soft … Continue reading "Dragon Swap"


Camp PURA VIDA上海“纯粹生活”营地活动

My Place Ruin Bar Xinzha Lu, near Jiaozhou Lu, Shanghai, China

DRAGON BURN 2019 (1-5MAY) will be hosting a great new camp: PURA VIDA CAMP. 龙焰2019 (5月1日 - 5月5日)将会迎来一个全新营地:PURA VIDA CAMP (“纯粹生活”) 。 We love people, food and music. We are global citizens united around latin vibes. We take “Pura Vida" as a way of living, we believe in a pure live surrounded by love, gratitude … Continue reading "Camp PURA VIDA上海“纯粹生活”营地活动"


Dark Masks

C's Bar 定西路685号, 上海市

为了让空气提前先热起来,也是为了给我们在龙焰中的营地筹款。龙焰的两个主题营地Adrenaland深山激素营和DeeperJoy在3月9号联手打造了这个黑暗风格的派对。 The two theme camps at Dragon Burn -Adrenaland and DeeperJoy collaborated to throw out this dark styled party on March 9th in order to preheat the air and set mood for Dragon Burn 2019, and it’s also a fundraiser for our camps. 派对设置了双舞台,DJ们将轮番播放音乐轰炸你的耳朵,DeeperJoy也将用邪恶的气氛与恋物装饰占领一间小屋,还有一个小摊位。 We’ve got double stages for the party with DJs blasting goodness … Continue reading "Dark Masks"


影之光第一期 • A Movie Light

Secret Location Shanghai, China

当你听到极限运动的时候,你的脑子里是否全然是让人血脉喷张的画面?汗水和肾上腺素飙升,速度与激情齐飞。不了解极限运动的人,可能会觉得这些人怕不是吃饱了没事干,甚至觉得他们装逼或者作死。而真正了解并热爱极限运动的人会告诉你,事实并非如此。 When you hear extreme sport, you might think of images of people doing things that raise your heartbeats. There would be passion and adrenaline, of course it also comes with sweat and speed. For people who don't understand, they might assume that those people who dig for extreme sport have no better things to … Continue reading "影之光第一期 • A Movie Light"


Clothes and Costumes Swap: a Flying Baozi Fundraiser 你衣换我衣—“飞包”主题营募捐

Getting bored looking at your closet? Refresh your spring wardrobe with us! This ISN'T just your ordinary swap though, we'll be teaching you how to cut and put together costumes for your next party! So bring your scissors, thread, curiosity and get snazzy with us. ️✂ 厌倦了自己衣柜里的存货?来加入我们,换新你的衣柜存货吧!我们可不是普通的衣物交换,在这里,我们会指导大家如何裁剪,如何改装。下一个聚会,你就可以闪亮全场啦!记得带上你的剪刀,彩线,好奇心,跟我们一起时髦一下!✂

25RMB – 35RMB

Dragon Burn Artist Collective 2

Tribe 291 Fumin Road 富民路291号, Shanghao

Hey you, yeah YOU! Remember that awesome night we had at Daliah (RIP) before CNY with over 100 creative souls showing up? Well, we’re back for the second artist collective meeting and the roles are reversed! Last time, it was all about Dragon Burn’s Ministry of Art telling you everything you needed to know to … Continue reading "Dragon Burn Artist Collective 2"

DeeperJoy 宝藏日”Day of treasures” @Beijing

Noon Inn 10 Liangjiayuan, Beijing

为了让老burner们在活动前预热,新burner和有兴趣的人了解更多信息,也是为了给我们在龙焰中的营地筹款。作为龙焰主题营地之一的DeeperJoy在北京组织了这场龙焰预热活动: DeeperJoy as one of the theme camps at the Dragon Burn has planned this special event in Beijing, it's a warm-up for Dragon Burn 2019, for veteran burners to gather before burn, and potential burners to get more information about this amazing event, as well as to raise fund for our camp. 活动希望参与者可以通过展示自己的技能、收藏和作品来结交朋友,方式可以是交易、出售、演示或者单纯展示。已经预定的摊位有不少有趣的内容,欢迎来秀出你的宝藏! We … Continue reading "DeeperJoy 宝藏日”Day of treasures” @Beijing"

50RMB – 60RMB

深山激素营公开会议 – Adrenaland Open Meeting

My Place Ruin Bar Xinzha Lu, near Jiaozhou Lu, Shanghai, China

过去近3年的时间,深山激素营(以下简称AL)组织很多会议和活动。此次更是有大动作,我们要召开第一届公开会议! Finally after almost 3 years with many meetings and much sweat, we're ready to organize our very first Adrenaland Open Meeting! 为了让大家更好地为龙焰做好准备,也更全面地了解关于AL,会议将会分享以下内容: We wish to share all the information you’ll need to know about our camp in order to get ready for the coming Dragon Burn. * 火人节/ 龙焰 / AL的简介和回顾 * 有关AL的所有组织信息变动,如何做好充分准备 * … Continue reading "深山激素营公开会议 – Adrenaland Open Meeting"


Unity Qigong/合一气功晨练课

xiangyang park 襄阳公园

Want to release stress and start a day with positivity? Unity Qigong is very simple but effective type of Qigong that you can learn in an hour and benefits your daily life! Help contribute Laughing House by sign up the UQ morning classes! 想要给自己减减压,用积极的心态开启新的一天吗? 合一气功是一套非常简单又能快速见效的气功!一节课您就能学会对自己日常生活都会有帮助的新技能! 来报名合一气功晨练课,来帮助“笑点屋”艺术装置建得更美妙吧!


Pura Vida Film Screening, Roma

958 Jiangning Road, Room 501 958 Jiangning Road

Join Pura Vida camp @Dragon Burn 2019 on Friday 12th for a film screening Roma, an Oscar winner and an excellent mirror reflecting Mexican culture. Movie is with both English and Chinese subtitles. And we also provide beer and popcorn, and fun! 12号周五晚上8点,龙焰的纯粹生活营地会放映奥斯卡获奖者、墨西哥的电影,Roma,到时候会有啤酒喝爆米花吃,来加入我们吧